Creating a world class trail network
To develop and sustain Scotland as a premier riding destination we help ensure that the right trails are in the right place, and built and managed by the right people.
How do we support the trail network?
We work across a wide variety of trails and with a large number of partners to ensure the growth in mountain biking is sustainable and delivers quality rider experiences. We also play an important role in advancing the justification and rationale for strategic projects across Scotland. We have outlined all our main activities in supporting a sustainable, diverse, and fun trail network
Our Strategic Projects
Trail building courses (DIRTT)
Guide to creating pump tracks and purpose built trails
DMBinS/TVTA Scottish Borders Trail Development Co-ordinator
Marc is the DMBinS/TVTA Scottish Borders Trail Development Co-ordinator. This post has been created to deliver a partnership project to develop and improve mountain biking trails in the Tweed Valley and across the Scottish Borders.
The Scottish Borders is one of the leading mountain biking destinations in the UK. We were keen to support the destination to sustainably grow.
The project supported the continued growth and development of the mountain biking trail network by increasing the quality and quantity of the trails by working with and through the Tweed Valley Trails Association (TVTA).
The project worked hard to engage new volunteers for the TVTA, especially, those from underrepresented groups such as women and young people. COVID-19 restrictions have limited the TVTA’s ability to run dig sessions and this project supported the TVTA to bounce back stronger and respond to the increased maintenance demand from the higher than ever number of riders on the trails.
The project also worked with local businesses to support innovation in products and services and investment in secure bike storage to improve the welcome for visiting mountain bikers. Learn more at
Working with local cycling clubs the project provided training (British Cycling Night Leader course) and equipment (16 sets of Exposure Lights) to enable year round riding opportunities for children and young people in the local community.
Support the Scottish Trail Fund
Make a DonationCycling facilities fund
Unauthorised MTB Trails Guidance
How do we support the trail network?
Related Trails Campaigns
MTB & Access Rights
We represent riders at the National Access Forum (NAF), to Government agencies and other organisations that have a vested interest in the access laws and rights in Scotland.
More of what we do
Our Work
Mountain biking can play a role in making Scotland healthier. By increasing participation, through targeted programmes, we aim to help make our amazing country a healthier and happier nation.
Our Work
Our work focuses on building on our key destination's strengths, pushing for development and supporting areas and businesses to improve the experience for riders.
Our Work
We work with Edinburgh Napier University, through MTBCOS, and our enterprise agencies - encouraging businesses to develop and promote new products and services for mountain bikers contributing significantly to the sustainable growth of Scotland’s economy.
Support the Scottish Trail Fund
Make a Donation