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Cycling facilities fund

We are supporting the Cycling Facilities Fund (CFF) an £8 million fund that aims to deliver accessible community and club facilities, including MTB trails and pump tracks, across Scotland.

Pump track 2 Credit North Lanarkshire Council

The Cycling Facilities Fund (CFF) is an £8 million fund that aims to deliver accessible community and club facilities across Scotland and capitalise on the upsurge of interest in cycling by developing a network of accessible, inclusive and inspiring facilities that encourage people of all ages to ride bikes.

The funding is comprised of £4 million from Scottish Government and £4 million from sportscotland National Lottery funding. The fund will deliver a tangible benefit from the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships – Glasgow & Scotland by celebrating the unique power of the bike and all it can bring to our everyday lives.

The fund, which was open to clubs, education establishments, local authorities or leisure trusts, charitable organisations, community sport hubs and community organisations, has been made possible through a £4 million commitment of Capital funding from Scottish Government and £4 million of National Lottery funding from sportscotland. This significant investment in infrastructure will be delivered over the next three/four years through a partnership between Scottish Cycling, and ourselves at DMBinS, and sportscotland.

Projects can bid for awards up to £100,000 for smaller ‘inspire’ projects and up to £500,000 for Club and Hub projects.

The three key objectives for the fund are to:

1. Inspire the nation to cycle by developing accessible, inclusive and inspiring facilities

2. Grow and develop club and community cycling through multi-discipline hubs with safe coaching and skills development areas; and

3. To develop the events infrastructure by building or upgrading facilities capable of hosting local and regional events.

Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop said

"The projects backed by this fund will inspire more people to get on their bikes, bringing benefits to people across Scotland as an enjoyable leisure activity and an efficient way to improve their health. We want to build on the incredible growth in cycling this year and see even more people choosing to travel to school or work on two wheels.

“Our overall aim is for Scotland to become one of Europe’s top cycling nations. The Scottish Government’s commitment to working with the UCI to host the first ever multi-world championships for cycling at one time in one country is a game-changing opportunity for cycling in Scotland.”

We have worked with our colleagues in Scottish Cycling to develop the guidance for the fund with sportscotland. We are continuing to support mountain bike projects, including pump tracks, to develop their plans for trails and facilities to go forward for this fund.

Many groups we have been working with for years will see this as a great opportunity to realise their ambitions. If you are considering a trail network, pump track, skills area or club facility then we would advise you to have a good look through our guide to project management of MTB trails and facilities.

Due to the overwhelming demand for the fund (there has been over 140 expressions of interests (EOIs) since it opened) there is currently no capacity to receive more applicants/EOIs. We, along with colleagues in Scottish Cycling and sportscotland, are supporting prioritised projects to go forward to full applications.

The first set of awards were announced in September 2021. We know what is coming and there is going to be so many new & awesome places to ride across Scotland - keep following us on socials, our blog and ride guide to keep up to date with new trails

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