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Diversity and Inclusion

Whether our mountain bike leaders or aspiring mountain bike leaders are part of the LGBTQ community, are disabled, belong to minority groups, are older or young, married, single, male, female, or non-binary we want anyone, from all walks of life to be able to access mountain biking if they want to.

Mountain biking is about more than simply getting on a bike and heading for the hills or trails

Our Trail Therapy Programme clearly shows a wonderful link between mountain biking and mental wellbeing and resilience; our Rider2Leader programmes demonstrate that with bespoke encouragement and a great role model we can build confidence in women looking to take that first amazing step into mountain bike leadership.

Our new Fundamentals of Mountain Bike Leadership, grassroots award is opening up the leadership doors for so many more people including those from within the disabled community (this was deliberate). We passionately believe a mountain biking community culture that embraces and welcomes diversity is a healthy community, creating an amazing platform for innovation, creativity and a wealth of perspectives that will leave us all the richer for it.


What are we doing?

We are making in-roads but we need your support in this. Your support can help us to mentor and train inspiring, keen individuals to be relevant role models from tutors and leaders to coaches in schools and clubs and in the community. We know we have a massively long way to go here, and role models are only part of the solution, but we hope it’s a start.

£1,000 enables us to train up to 6 new leaders (from 16 years and upwards) at the FunMBL Level giving them the most awesome skill set with a leadership framework that is congruent with leadership frameworks used across canoeing, mountain leader training and a number of other outdoor adventure sports.

£550 enables us to take a confident rider and train them to be a leader at Level 2.

£750 enables us to develop a bespoke framework for any schools including technical advice and guidance from one of our experienced Tutors

£5000 enables us to buy an adapted bike for a physically disabled child or young person to use enabling them to share the mountain biking experience.

If you can, please consider donating to the Scottish MTB Heath Fund and help us with our work in this space. Thank you.


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If you can, please consider donating to the Scottish MTB Heath Fund and help us with our work in this space. Thank you.
