Mountain Bike Trail Therapy

Mountain biking can play a role in making Scotland healthier. By increasing participation, through targeted programmes, we aim to help make our amazing country a healthier and happier nation.
The oening of new Scottish Cycling Level 1 centre in Camperdown Park, Dundee, saw a range of partners train, mentor and qualify young…
Whether our mountain bike leaders or aspiring mountain bike leaders are part of the LGBTQ community, are disabled, belong to minority groups, are older or young, married, single, male, female, or non-binary we want anyone, from all walks of life to be able to…
Weekends that build confidence for women mountain bikers to transition from mountain bike rider to mountain bike leader - helping to create…
Recovery - We are breaking new ground by delivering a holistic approach to positive health outcomes through an innovative Mountain Bike Trail Therapy programme.We wanted Scotland to be a place where everybody thrives. We want to reset how Scotland thinks about wellbeing and health. Our Trail Therapy programme is something we are exceptionally proud of and have worked hard to secure funding to be able to pilot, then roll out in South Lanarkshire and Tayside. Recovery is our film about the programme. The film focuses on the journey of James, a participant on our Trail Therapy programme, who has used mountain biking to accelerate and sustain his recovery from mental ill-health. The film interviews and captures the feelings of the participant, a mental health professional and Paul our Trail Therapy leader, who continue to help support James's recovery journey. Our hope is that this stunning film by Joe Norledge and Reuben Bakker-Dyos, and supported by Trek Bicycles, will promote the benefits of the programme far and wide and attract donations which will help us (DMBinS) unlock the potential for it to be rolled out nationwide.Film by Joe Norledge and Reuben Bakker-Dyos;
We first met Nyasha at the Fort William World Cup this year when he approached us, showed us some of his films, and asked if there was any way he could get involved with us and help spread good messaging as a rider of colour. We felt this was so important and really wanted to give him a voice so we asked him to feature in our Summer campaign, #MTB4All.
Enjoy his riding and articulate thoughts.
If you can, please consider donating to the Scottish MTB Heath Fund and help us with our work in this space. Thank you.
DonateThis joint initiative between DMBinS, Scottish Cycling and Glenmore Lodge takes you on a whistle stop tour of the British Mountain Bike Leadership Awards. Building confidence as you transition from mountain bike rider to mountain bike leader or if you aspire…
Our Work
To develop and sustain Scotland as a premier riding destination we help ensure that the right trails are in the right place, and built and managed by the right people.
Our Work
Our work focuses on building on our key destination's strengths, pushing for development and supporting areas and businesses to improve the experience for riders.
Our Work
We work with Edinburgh Napier University, through MTBCOS, and our enterprise agencies - encouraging businesses to develop and promote new products and services for mountain bikers contributing significantly to the sustainable growth of Scotland’s economy.
If you can, please consider donating to the Scottish MTB Heath Fund and help us with our work in this space. Thank you.