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MTB Business Workshops

DMBinS organises a series of business workshops, particularly in areas where we have regional coordinators, that help businesses understand the mountain bike market. These are recognised as an opportunity for businesses to grow by developing new products or services, or adapting their existing products or services to tap into the mountain bike market.

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The Scottish MTB Strategy 2019-2025 has a target to sustainably increase the overall GVA contribution of MTB by 51% to be worth £158m by 2025. The largest growth area that can be supported through public and private collaboration is MTB tourism.

The overall target for MTB tourism is an increase of 30% from 2015 to 2025. To help achieve this growth target DMBinS organises a series of business workshops, particularly in areas where we have regional co-ordinators, that help businesses to understand the growing mountain bike market. These are recognised as an opportunity for businesses to grow by developing new products or services, or adapting their existing products or services to tap into the mountain bike market.

The aims of the workshops are to encourage supply chain businesses to be aware of the emerging trends in mountain biking tourism, provide excellent (or improved) levels of service to mountain bikers, link with other local suppliers to provide joined-up and quality visitor experiences, and encourage repeat and extended visits to our key destinations.

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Workshops will support growth of MTB tourism:

  • Provide an understanding of the scale of the market opportunity and nature of MTB visitors
  • Give info on local trail centres and facilities
  • Promote the DMBinS website and, when it is completed, the new microsite for MTB tourism and the tools within it.
  • Use a live case study to help inspire attendees to start doing things differently.
  • Explain Top Tips for success and practical steps businesses can do.
  • Using an interactive session that helps businesses to come up with ideas of what they can do in their company or area to attract MTB visitors.
  • Give a taste of MTB – show them how much fun it is.

Allow business to depart with a short list of actions that they can (and will) do immediately and in the longer term.

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