Scottish MTB Strategy 2019-2025
The Scottish MTB Strategy 2019-2025 was developed as a strategy for a nation with everyone with a stake in Scottish mountain biking, whether they be riders, Scottish Government & national agencies, the tourism industry, or product designers and manufacturers.

Our role was to lead the development of the strategy using our 10 years of experience working in the industry whilst taking the views of riders, the industry, Scottish Government, national agencies and landowners and integrating them into the strategy.
To deliver the strategy we will play a prominent role in many of the actions (as detailed in this website) We also, at a national level, bring together the partners of the MTB Consortium to oversee the delivery of the key actions and enable partnership working together to ensure that the effort and any funding invested has produced the biggest and most widespread impact possible.
The action plan outlined in the strategy is monitored 3 times per year by the MTB Consortium with all partners updating their actions from the previous period and detailing all their future actions. This helps partnership working, provides accountability to Scottish Government and other national agencies, and helps spot any gaps in what we need to deliver to meet our aims and objectives.
After 10 years, the position of Scottish Mountain Biking on the world stage is strong, but we know it can be stronger. The strategy helps all those involved in Scottish mountain biking to effectively plan a sustainable future for our sport, create a world class trail network, increase the economic impact for our country, ensure Scotland is the international destination of choice, and tackle Scotland’s issues of health and wellbeing.
We are proud to play our important part in its delivery.
Please download the '2019-2022 Progress Report' on the delivery of the strategy.
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