To develop and sustain Scotland as a premier riding destination we help ensure that the right trails are in the right place, and built and managed by the right people.
Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland is a strong voice for the mountain bike community. We lead by energising, coordinating, providing support and advice to ensure that effort, and funding invested, produces the biggest impact for riders and funders.
We bring the mountain bike community together with the Scottish Government, national agencies and landowners driving forward the Strategy for Scottish Mountain Biking, 2023-2025 (the MTB strategy) with the ambition and vision that Scotland will be recognised as the leader of European mountain biking.
Our work links the key themes of the MTB strategy focussing on where we can add most value and have the biggest impact across: Trails, Destination, Health and Innovation. Find out more about what we do in each of those areas and how you can be a part of it.
To develop and sustain Scotland as a premier riding destination we help ensure that the right trails are in the right place, and built and managed by the right people.
Mountain biking can play a role in making Scotland healthier. By increasing participation, through targeted programmes, we aim to help make our amazing country a healthier and happier nation.
Our work focuses on building on our key destination's strengths, pushing for development and supporting areas and businesses to improve the experience for riders.
We work with Edinburgh Napier University, through MTBCOS, and our enterprise agencies - encouraging businesses to develop and promote new products and services for mountain bikers contributing significantly to the sustainable growth of Scotland’s economy.
We are a small team of extremely passionate mountain bikers who firmly believe that we can make a lasting impact into improving our sport in Scotland. We each have specific roles and work across tourism, participation, mental health, promotion and marketing, strategic planning and representation. We work with a range of partners and stakeholders - all - who have a varied interest in mountain biking developing sustainably.
Over the last 10 years mountain biking in Scotland has made great progress. It has been evidenced that an innovative approach and a clear vision can create partnerships that help all concerned. Huge opportunities remain. Mountain biking has so much more to give to Scotland and we will only enjoy these benefits if we continue to work in the effective partnerships that we have nurtured at every level.
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