Tweed Valley Zoning

If you are based in the Highlands and have an interest in innovation or manufacturing in cycling or outdoor industries, this event is a great opportunity to network and learn about the professional support available.
With Fort William as the host of the 2023 Cycling World Championships downhill event we are holding an event at the Advancing Manufacturing Centre, with Mountain Bike Centre of Scotland. This event will include a tour of the fantastic prototyping and testing facilities, discussion on potential opportunities and information on the support for businesses and individuals with an interest in innovation and product development in the outdoor industry.
Manufacturers, designers, product developers and anyone with an interest in innovation in cycling and the outdoors are invited to participate.
For more information or to book your place, please contact DMBinS Highland Development Co-ordinator - / 07508040068
Here, Christine Fox, explains the background to the new entry level mountain bike leader award The Fundamentals of Mountain Bike Leadership. Due to launch in spring 2021 a leadership award with strong, academic credentials and with leadership principles that…