Scottish Mountain Bike Tourism - Creating a World Class Welcome
This month we will be hosting two webinars aimed primarily at accommodation providers to introduce them to our exciting and innovative suite of resources and tools which will help the Scottish tourism industry, build on its global reputation in the tourism sector and provide a world-class welcome to visiting mountain bikers and cyclists.

North Highlands. One of eight short business specific films we created showcasing each key destination's strengths and areas of improvement, providing information for businesses to improve their understanding of the market. Check out your area's specific film on ScottishMTBTourism.com.
As we head towards the inaugural 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships and with increased investment in our trail network, strategic projects and programmes across the country happening, this is the prime opportunity to upskill our tourism industry to better cater for the growing mountain bike tourism market.
This week we have sent out 500 Mountain Bike Tourism Guides to accommodation providers across the highlands and are inviting accommodation providers across Scotland to join us for one of two webinars. These webinars will allow us to share further details of the tourism resources that we have developed to ensure a world-class welcome for the visitors expected over the event, capitalising on the economic benefits of the increase in visitor numbers, and showcasing Scotland around the globe to future potential visitors.
This unique products developed include an online business self-assessment tool, business-specific videos, we made with Scotty Laughland, showcasing each key destination's strengths and areas of improvement. With strong calls to action to improve bike storage and other essential/desirable services, downloadable images and videos businesses can use for their own marketing, and information for businesses to improve their understanding of the market.
The online resources are also supplemented with a printed/downloadable guide.
Register now for one of the webinars
Scottish Mountain Bike Tourism - Webinar (Tuesday 21st March)
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