Meet Ross - The new Scottish Borders MTB Regional Development Co-ordinator
Over the next few years, the Scottish Borders will host international events and deliver three multi-million-pound mountain bike capital projects – The Borderlands MTB Project, a refresh of the 7Stanes, and the Glentress Masterplan. This role will help ensure the Borders maximises the development and business opportunities that mountain biking brings.

The UK Government is providing £220m through the UK Community Renewal Fund to help areas across the UK move smoothly away from the EU Structural Fund programme. This fund will help to prepare the way during 2021-22 for the new UK Shared Prosperity Fund by offering the opportunity to pilot new approaches.
The Scottish Borders has been designated a priority place to receive UK Community Renewal Fund up to a maximum of £3m, and we were delighted to have a successful outcome to our application.
The aim of the fund is to support communities to pilot new ideas and approaches to better support people and communities in need. It will support innovative responses to local challenges and local needs.
Over the next 3 years, the Scottish Borders will host international events and deliver three multi-million-pound mountain bike capital projects – The Borderlands MTB Project, a refresh of the 7Stanes, and the Glentress Masterplan. This role and the new DMBinS/ TVTA Scottish Borders Trail Development Coordinator post will help ensure the Borders maximises the development and business opportunities that mountain biking brings.
The Scottish Borders is one of the leading mountain biking destinations in the UK. By supporting the continued growth and development of mountain biking we will help deliver greater impacts through developing the skills agenda, support innovation in small businesses and invest in local communities to sustainably develop the economic contribution that mountain biking makes across the Borders.
This role will liase closely with the DMBinS /TVTA Scottish Borders Trail Development Coordinator, Marc Crowley, to ensure that mountain biking grows at a community level within the Tweed Valley to capitalise fully on these upcoming opportunities.
Both roles and project costs are funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.
We will be sharing more of just what Ross will be getting up to, but first off, here is a wee introduction to him.

Who are you? Ross Miller
Where are You From? I grew up in Renfrewshire then went on to Study Engineering at Strathclyde Uni in Glasgow. Whilst West is best, the accessibility to trails and coast from Edinburgh (along with the better weather) drew me Eastwards.
What's Your Role within DMBinS? Scottish Borders Regional Development Coordinator
Where do you live? Currently in Penicuik, although I am looking to make the Tweed Valley home.
How old are you? Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway
What's your favourite food? Do I have to choose? Yes to all please. My favourite go-to on the trail is a Jelly Baby, or on longer rides, a cold pizza sandwich. Can't beat a post-ride chippy.
Favourite Places to Ride? I love local trails in the Pentlands- it's so accessible. I’m more XC whippet than gravity shredder, so I can regularly be found puffing up GT black or inners Xc loop. But the best rides for me are the epics, escaping into the Scottish wilds of the Cairngorm or up to Torridon.
What do you enjoy away from Biking? You can’t beat good times with mates, around a fire or with a beer. The more time outside the better. I love a project, with my current van conversion likely to keep me pretty occupied for a while.
What’s your favourite bike? My Mason Bokeh is fun for multi-day gravel escapes, but my weapon of choice has to be my Cannondale Scalpel.
Best Riding Buddy? Whoever is up for a bike ride on the day (until I get myself a trail pup)
Greatest Biking Challenge? The Strathpuffer was a bit of a mad weekend.. I made the top step for senior male pairs in a muddy 10@Kirroughtree... or there was that time I pedalled from Rome to Home.. lots to choose from!
Bike Kit I can't live without? I have a habit of killing rims. So nowadays, you won't find me riding without Cushcores.
Little Known Fact? Everyone is always chatting about their next upgrade. I consider my cobalt steel hip joint hard to beat!

This position is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund
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