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Scottish MTB Conference 2024 Programme - Day 1

The hotly anticipated Scottish Mountain Bike Conference opens on 7th November with an exciting programme of inspiring speakers and workshops on the themes of 'Trails, Destinations, & Innovation. There will also be plenty of opportunities to make those important connections, network and visit event partner exhibitions.

Conference programme 24

The Scottish Mountain Bike Conference will be held over three days (Thursday 7th, Friday 8th & Saturday 9th November 2024) and feature inspiring global and local speakers.

The eagerly anticipated Scottish MTB Awards will be held on the Friday evening.

Book your tickets now and discover your options for accommodation and travel.

Day 1 - Trails, Destinations & Innovation

On the opening day of the conference, delegates will be treated to inspiring global presentations, updates on local and Scottish trail development and support for Trails Associations, the launch of the UK Trails Report, participative workshops, and a night-ride to finish the day, before a delicious 'Taste of the Scotland' buffet.


Global Speakers

Glen Jacobs, World Trail

We at DMBinS are huge fans of the pioneering work of Glen Jacobs and World Trail and we believe his presentation and involvement in the conference will help inspire and motivate all involved in Scottish/UK mountain biking. It will be a great opportunity to learn from Glen's vision for mountain biking and how he has masterminded the success of several global mountain bike destinations including Blue Derby, Tasmania. His presentation will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of the conference.

April Marshke

April Marshke, Outside Advice

April has over 15 years experience of working globally in the bike industry, including leading global strategic business development and product assortment for the e-Bike category within Specialized.

April will provide delegates with an understanding of the future direction of bike sales and what impact that will have for planning, building, and maintaining trails.

With a detailed understanding of the bike industry and a strong vision of how bikes, particularly mountain bikes, can play their part in making countries healthier, wealthier, and help us collectively reach net zero targets.

Tim Wild, Freelance Journalist

Tim has recently completed an amazing 10 day Scottish mountain bike trip with influencers, BKXC and Singletrack Sampler. And was able to sample first hand the breadth and quality of riding in Scotland, the communities and the people that make it so special.

As a journalist, Tim has travelled extensively on global mountain bike adventures and will provide an honest appraisal of how his trip in Scotland compares globally.

He has also been commissioned to write a piece for Freehub Magazine on the impact of Scotland being one of the only countries in the world to have a national mountain bike strategy and will provide comments on what he has found to date by speaking to leading members of the mountain bike community in Scotland.

Alex Rafferty, SRAM and David Evans, UK Trails Project

Alex, SRAM MTB Communications Manager, and David Evans, UK Trails Project Manager within DMBinS, will launch the eagerly anticipated “The Trail – Its Time, Place and People Report”, which is the summary of the first year’s work by the UK Trails Project (UKTP).

We hope, and believe, that the presentation and report, the most in-depth look at the state of mountain bike trails in the UK for over 8 years, will be an inspiring and informative for anyone involved in the mountain bike trail or land management community, helping all stakeholders to acknowledge and understand each other’s positions.

Mairi Gougeon MSP Profile

Local Speakers

Ms Mairi Gougeon, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands

Ms Gougeon will deliver a keynote presentation on Scottish Government's support for mountain biking and some of the successes and future challenges to be collectively overcome. The Scottish Government recognise that mountain biking is an important part of rural Scotland. It helps to sustain our fragile rural economies, attracting young families to live and work in our rural areas, and noting that we are increasingly seeing innovative forest management practices which are integrating mountain biking, and other activities, into forests that support biodiversity and native woodland restoration.

Cllr Euan Jardine, Scottish Borders Council & Jane Morrison-Ross, South of Scotland Enterprise

Cllr Euan Jardine, the leader of Scottish Borders Council, and Jane Morrison-Ross, the Chief Executive Officer of South of Scotland Enterprise, will welcome delegates to the Scottish Borders and South of Scotland. Their joint presentation will share their vision of how a partnership approach is helping to create a global mountain bike destination.

Graeme McLean, Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland

Graeme, the Head of DMBinS, will present on the contribution that the team of DMBinS makes to Scottish mountain biking and, on behalf of the members of the Scottish MTB Consortium, present an update on the delivery of the 'Strategy for Scottish Mountain Biking, 2023-2025'.

Edward Shoote, South of Scotland Enterprise & Dr Tom Campbell, Edinburgh Napier University

Local projects that will have a big impact on a national and global scale.


The conference will also cover workshops to support further development of trails, events, and guidance for responsible riding in our key destinations.


Night ride

Evening Activities

Night Ride Outs

The evening will start with organised led night rides from the hotel onto the trails at Glentress.

Taste of Scotland Dinner

Delegates will be treated to a 2 course dinner featuring all your favourite Scottish delicacies.

Book your Accommodation for the 2024 Scottish Mountain Bike Conference

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Book your Accommodation for the 2024 Scottish Mountain Bike Conference

Check out discounted options here