Volunteer Trail Dig Leader Course
We have recruited and trained tutors and they have delivered a number of pilot DIRTT Volunteer Trail Dig Leader courses across Scotland.
Please contact us to request an event in your area.
We are creating a range of courses, starting with a Volunteer Trail Dig Leader Course, to support the sustainable development of trails across Scotland.
Mountain biking is growing across Europe and a good proportion of this growth can be attributed to an increasing number of trails that have been purpose-built to meet the needs of mountain bikers. To help ensure this anticipated growth is sustainable, delivers quality user experiences, ensures public resources are effectively deployed and help mitigate against any environmental impact from the location and construction of the trails there is a demand for guidelines and a suite of training courses on trail construction based on a quality assured body of knowledge.
DMBinS is a key partner in this EU Erasmus+ programme that is developing the content, resources, recruiting and training tutors and developing a pilot course aimed at volunteers, largely involved with trails associations.
We have recruited and trained tutors and they have delivered a number of pilot DIRTT Volunteer Trail Dig Leader courses across Scotland.
Please contact us to request an event in your area.
Time: 3 hours online training pre & post course. 2 full days of in-person days with a mixture of theory and practical sessions.
Cost: £195 per person.
Custom course: 8 people = £1350 or 12 people = £2000
Our Work
Mountain biking can play a role in making Scotland healthier. By increasing participation, through targeted programmes, we aim to help make our amazing country a healthier and happier nation.
Our Work
Our work focuses on building on our key destination's strengths, pushing for development and supporting areas and businesses to improve the experience for riders.
Our Work
We work with Edinburgh Napier University, through MTBCOS, and our enterprise agencies - encouraging businesses to develop and promote new products and services for mountain bikers contributing significantly to the sustainable growth of Scotland’s economy.
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