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MTB Consortium

The MTB Consortium is a forum comprising of the Scottish Government and other key agencies and organisations with a role relating to mountain biking in Scotland and is responsible for owning and delivering, the Scottish Mountain Bike Strategy 2019- 2025.

5 David Ogilvie Lairig Ghru

What is the MTB Consortium?

The MTB Consortium is a forum comprising of the Scottish Government and other key agencies and organisations with a role relating to mountain biking in Scotland.

The MTB Consortium owns and is responsible for delivering, the Scottish Mountain Bike Strategy 2019- 2025.

The core purpose of the MTB Consortium is to promote effective partnership working between Consortium members and other groups and organisations relating to mountain biking, associated recreation, sport, tourism, and economic development. Specifically:

  1. To own and deliver the aspirations contained within the Scottish Mountain Bike Strategy 2019- 2025;
  2. To provide strategic direction to inform the current work plan of DMBinS;
  3. To assist the flow of communication, joint working and cohesive action between Consortium members and stakeholders;
  4. To communicate, through external and internal communication of key topics, successes, and issues in Scottish mountain biking;
  5. To provide a forum for positive action and ensure delivery on any agreed action points;
  6. To lead the strategic direction of mountain biking in Scotland and to Consortium partner's progress towards the outcomes as contained within the Scottish Mountain Bike Strategy 2019-2025.

The MTB Consortium is a unique and very functional forum that helps all bodies involved in MTB in Scotland to come together, understand each others perspectives, and collectively help drive forward mountain biking.

Lee Cousins, Chair of the MTB Consortium

Members of the MTB Consortium

As of 29th August 2019, the members of the MTB Consortium are:

  1. Cycling Scotland
  2. Cycling UK (Scotland)
  3. DMBinS
  4. Edinburgh Napier University/Mountain Bike Centre of Scotland
  5. EventScotland
  6. Forestry & Land Scotland
  7. Glenmore Lodge
  8. Highlands & Islands Enterprise
  9. Scottish Cycling
  10. Scottish Enterprise
  11. Scottish Government
  12. Scottish Land & Estates
  13. Scottish Natural Heritage
  14. sportscotland
  15. VisitScotland

It is a requirement that Consortium members shall have a national perspective on, and engagement with, relevant issues relating to mountain biking in Scotland.

It is expected that the Consortium will include in future members from the MTB tourism sector, the MTB product development sector, the outdoor education sector, and Scottish local authorities.

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